German Shepherd curiously sniffing a paint can.

Is it Dangerous if My German Shepherd Licked Paint?

Dear VetBabble: My German Shepherd licked some paint - should I be worried? Hi there, Thanks for reaching out! You mentioned that...
Hamster looking comfortable in its habitat.

What Could Be Causing My Hamster’s Swollen Belly?

Dear VetBabble: Why Does My Hamster Have a Swollen Belly? Over the past few days, our hamster has had a big belly. He...
A goldfish swimming in a fishbowl.

Why is Our Goldfish Suddenly Turning Black? Causes & Solutions

Dear VetBabble: Why has our goldfish suddenly started turning black? Many pet owners may find themselves in a similar situation where their goldfish,...
pregnant dog nesting in a cozy area

Is My Dog’s Mucus Discharge and Blood a Sign of Impending Labor?

Dear VetBabble, I have a concern about my dog Daisy who has been pregnant for about 3 months. On Thursday, I noticed a...
Dog happily waiting at a veterinary clinic's reception area.

How Do I Register My Dog at a Veterinary Clinic for Proper Care?

Dear VetBabble, I have a lovely dog and I want to do everything I can to take care of their health. But I...
dog looking concerned or uncomfortable

Is a Swollen Anus After Dog Anal Gland Expression Worrisome?

Dear VetBabble: Is My Dog's Swollen Anus After Anal Gland Expression a Concern? Thank you for contacting VetBabble with your question concerning your...
Dog with a concerned expression

What Causes My Dog’s Sores and How Can I Effectively Treat Them?

Dear VetBabble, What's Causing My Dog's Sores and How Do I Treat Them? It's always concerning when our beloved pets are showing signs...
Bearded Dragon

How do I Care for a Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons make great exotic pets that are relatively easy to care for once you know the basics.  They can be affectionate, adventurous reptile friends for many years to come if treated and cared for properly.
Cat curiously exploring a cozy cat house.

Why Won’t My Cat Sleep in His House & How Can I Encourage Indoor...

Dear VetBabble, Why doesn't my cat want to sleep in his little house, and how can I encourage him to do so by...
A relaxed dog lying down

Is My 2.5-Year-Old Dog’s Lack of Erection Normal and Affecting Behavior?

Dear VetBabble, I have a 2.5-year-old dog who has never had an erection. Is this normal, and could this be causing some behavioral issues?...
Dog wearing a calming vest

What Can I Give My Anxious Dog for a 15-Hour Plane Ride to Keep...

Dear VetBabble, I am planning to take my dog on a 15+ hour plane ride and I am concerned about his anxiety issues....
puppy happily playing with a toy

Can I Give My Puppy Bayer Quad Dewormer 4 Days After a Previous Deworming...

Dear VetBabble, I recently brought home a new puppy (on December 16th), and was informed that he had already been dewormed....
A sad dog looking for comfort

Why Is My Dog Constantly Crying and How Can I Help Them?

Dear VetBabble, Why Does My Dog Cry All the Time and What Can I Do About It? As a concerned pet owner, it...
Dog attentively licking its paw.

Why Does My Dog Constantly Lick and Nibble Their Paws?

your question so I can better assist you. Dear VetBabble "Why is my dog constantly licking and nibbling their paws? How can I...
dog scratching or licking its skin

Is My Dog Suffering from Hot Spots or Another Skin Condition?””)

Dear VetBabble, I am concerned about my dog, who seems to be developing red spots and losing fur. One spot on her neck...