Dog looking guilty near a wet spot on the floor.

How to Housebreak an Adult Dog That Suddenly Started Urinating Indoors?

Dear VetBabble, Question: How can I housebreak my adult dog who has started to urinate in the house unexpectedly? When dealing with...
pet with facial growths looking curious

What Are These Facial Growths on My Pet and How Can I Treat Them?

Dear VetBabble, What Are These Growths on My Pet's Face and How Do I Treat Them? Thank you for reaching out to us...
Puppy scratching

Why Does Wandering Jew Make My Dog Itch?

Contact allergies to a plant called Wandering Jew cause red, irritated feet. This common ground cover is often used as a quick-growing filler in garden beds and is incredibly hardy.
dog with a slightly closed eye

Is My Dog’s Itchy Eye with Eyelid Growth an Emergency Situation?

Dear VetBabble, My Dog's Eye is Itchy and Has a Growth on the Eyelid: Is it an Emergency? Hi, my dog's eye looks...
kitten playing with a toy

What’s Wrong with My Kitten? Common Health Concerns and Tips for Care

Dear VetBabble, I'm a concerned pet owner, and I need help finding out what's wrong with my kitten. We would be very happy...
a fish swimming in an aquarium

What Could Be Causing My Fish’s Strange Behavior and Symptoms?

Dear VetBabble: What's Happening to My Fish? I noticed something unusual on my fish, but I'm having trouble identifying the issue from the...
cat exploring the outdoors near the new home

Why Won’t My Cat Come Inside After Moving to a New Home?

Dear VetBabble: My Cat Doesn't Want to Come Inside After Moving to a New Home - What Can I Do? Hello! It sounds...
A concerned rabbit in a comfortable setting.

How Can I Assist My Rabbit with GI Stasis Beyond Veterinary Care?

Dear VetBabble: How Can I Help My Rabbit with GI Stasis Besides Taking It to the Vet? As a warmhearted and informative veterinarian,...
dog scared of thunder

My Dog is Scared of Loud Noises: What Should I Do Help?

Dog noise phobias are relatively common and can be a source of great distress for you and your pet. If your dog is very anxious with loud noises, some early intervention can stop the problem getting worse and generalising to other situations.
Dog itching and looking uncomfortable.

What Could Be Causing My Dog’s Rash and Constant Scratching?

Dear VetBabble, My Dog Has a Rash and is Constantly Scratching - What Could Be Wrong? Is your furry friend constantly scratching or...
older dog resting peacefully

Is Lethargy in Older Dogs Normal or a Cause for Concern?

Dear VetBabble, Is My Older Dog's Lethargy Normal? My older dog has been sleeping a lot more than usual and seems quite lethargic....
cat lying down with a concerned expression

What to Do If My Cat’s Tooth is Missing and She Has a Swollen...

Dear VetBabble, My cat's tooth is missing, and her chin is swollen with a small cut. What should I do? We understand how...
Cat resting comfortably after surgery.

Is My Cat’s Neutering Incision Healing Properly? Signs to Check

Dear VetBabble, is my cat's neutering incision healing properly? Hi there, I recently had my male cat neutered and I'm a bit concerned...
puppy examining a vaccine syringe with curiosity

Is it Safe to Give My 8.5 Month Old Dog Another Rabies Vaccine So...

Dear VetBabble, I have a concern about my dog's rabies vaccine. He received his first ever rabies shot in July, but the town...
Dog looking curiously at an open pill bottle.

What Should I Do if My Dog Ingests a Euro-Fer Capsule?

Dear VetBabble: What Should I Do if My Dog Ate a Euro Fer Capsule? As pet owners, we know our furry friends can...