A happy dog showing off its healthy teeth.

Is It Common for Veterinarians to Remove Healthy Dog Teeth Upon Request?

Dear VetBabble, I've heard that some pet owners request the removal of their dog's teeth, even if there is nothing wrong with them....
Guinea pig resting in its habitat with a cozy ambience.

Why Is My Guinea Pig Sluggish and Experiencing Eye Discharge?

Dear VetBabble: Why is My Guinea Pig Acting Sluggish and Having Discharge from His Eyes? A concerned pet owner recently asked about their...
dog with a small visible lump on its head

What is This Lump on My Dog’s Head and Should I Be Worried?

Dear VetBabble, Identifying the Lump on My Dog's Head: What Could It Be and Should I Be Concerned? My dog has recently...
Cat lying down

What Could Be Causing a Painful Sore on My Cat’s Mouth?

Dear VetBabble: What Can Cause a Sore on My Cat's Mouth? Hi there! I noticed a sore-looking spot on my cat's mouth, but...
Bearded dragon looking lethargic in its enclosure.

Why is my bearded dragon not eating and how can I help?

Dear VetBabble, I'm worried about my bearded dragon because he isn't eating. What should I do? Are there any common reasons for this...
Dog with healthy skin

Can I Treat My Dog’s Skin Issues That Resemble Scabies After Infection?

Dear VetBabble, I noticed my dog has some skin issues that look like scabies. Can I treat it even after they've been affected?...
Worried dog with a food bowl nearby.

What Should I Do if My Dog Isn’t Eating After Vomiting?

Dear VetBabble: Why is My Dog Not Eating After Vomiting? My dog Stella was vomiting a couple of days ago, and although she...
cat curiously examining a silica packet

What if My Cat Accidentally Ingests a Silica Packet?

Dear VetBabble, What happens if my cat accidentally ingests part of a silica packet? Should I be concerned? Answer: When our fur...
Puppy cautiously sniffing a rawhide bone.

Is My Puppy Safe After Ingesting a Piece of Rawhide Bone?

Dear VetBabble: Is My Puppy Safe After Swallowing Part of a Rawhide Bone? One pet owner recently asked us about their 5-month-old puppy,...
Small dog lying next to a bottle of acetaminophen.

What is the Safe Acetaminophen Dosage for a 4-Pound Dog?

Dear VetBabble, How much acetaminophen can I safely give to my 4-pound dog? They're experiencing some discomfort and I was wondering if paracetamol-based drugs...
Labrador Retriever looking relaxed and content while lying down.

Is Nausea and Vomiting in 12.5-Year-Old Lab with Cushing’s Disease a Side Effect of...

Dear VetBabble, My 12.5-year-old female Lab has Cushing's disease and has been taking Vetoryl (30mg daily) for the past 7 months. Her levels...
Dog looking concerned or uncomfortable.

Is it Time for an Emergency Vet Visit Due to My Dog’s Appetite, Diarrhea,...

Dear VetBabble, My dog has been acting a little strange over the past two weeks with her appetite. She normally does this, though...
A concerned pet owner comforting their distressed pet.

Is My Pet’s Vomiting, Lack of Appetite, and Urination Linked to Kidney Issues?

Dear VetBabble, I'm worried about my pet who has been receiving antibiotics and fluids through injections twice daily, but she's not urinating properly,...
parrot perched on a branch

Is My Parrot’s Changing Color Normal or a Sign of Medical Concern?

Dear VetBabble, I've noticed that my parrot's color is changing, and I'm not sure what to do. How can I determine if this is...
Cat lying down and looking tired.

How to Help a Cat with Suspected Respiratory Infection, Lethargy, and Loss of Appetite?

Dear VetBabble: How Can I Help My Cat with a Possible Respiratory Infection Who Won't Eat and is Lethargic? It can be concerning...