Friday, May 10, 2024

Looking for online vet advice for your pet?

VetBabble has you covered. Get access to vet advice online 24/7, ask about your pet's health, behavior, or anything else related to veterinary care through the VetBabble site. You can also use the AI virtual veterinarian on the VetBabble App to help you with your needs using the latest technology.

Puppy running outside with a toy

How Big Will My Puppy Get? A Puppy Growth Calculator

To answer the question of how big your pup will get, here is an overview of how long puppies grow for, how breed affects size, and to predict the pup’s adult weight from his current one.
trimming dog nails

The No Fear Way To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Unless your pet is a very active outdoor dog his nails will need to be trimmed on a regular basis – anywhere from once a week to once a month.

Why Does My Cat Still Have Fleas?

Fleas are a problem for most of our pets. We have everything you need to know about fleas, flea products, and how to keep them under control.
Dog lying down

5 Warning Signs of Bloat That Could Save Your Dog’s Life

Bloat in dogs is a common and often fatal emergency. There are ways to reduce the risk and recognizing the symptoms early could save your dogs life.
toilet training a puppy in 3 days

How to Potty Train Your Puppy in 3 Days

Toilet training is one of the common challenges that pet owners face when they first adopt a new dog. We run through some basics for you here.

Puppy Socialization and its Effect on Behavior

The critical puppy socialization period between 3 - 12 weeks of age is a time of rapid learning. A recent study notes the difference between puppies from pet shops and breeders and the behavioral impact of poor socialization.
smiling staffy

Basic Preventative Health: What Does Your Dog Need?

When you buy a dog, it's important to develop a plan of action to keep your pet in tip-top health. We have a look at some basic health measures such as vaccines, worm, flea and tick preventatives.
dog scratching

Flea and Tick Control for Dogs

Fleas and ticks can cause serious health problems for your dog. Learn how proper flea and tick control can keep your canine companion happy and healthy.

Types of Dogs That Don’t Shed

If you are thinking of a dog and would like to investigate the breeds that won’t leave your house hairy, consider one of the breeds that has continuously growing hair.
bladder stones in dogs

Does My Dog Have Bladder Stones?

Bladder stones in dogs are firm clumps of minerals that have accumulated in the urinary...
pregnancy in cats

Pregnancy in Cats: Advice and What to Expect

Are you planning for your cat to become pregnant? Or maybe you’ve just discovered that...
Person talking to a cat

Golden Rules for Choosing the Best Cat Food

Have you wandered along the cat food aisle, confused by all the choice? Selecting the best cat food for your feline-friend can be daunting, especially when the labels all look so appealing.

Why Does my Cat still have Fleas?

Could your cat have super fleas? You used a vet recommended product and yet the cat...

Why do Cats Purr? A Purr-fect Question

Did you know that Cats purr in a variety of situations and there are a number of theories as to why they do it - purring could even be therapeutic.
cat lying on couch

Exercise for Cats

You're not likely to take your cat out for a jog or a long walk. But cats need exercise. We share out tips for keeping your feline friend in tip-top shape.

What are the Best Guinea Pig Cages?

It is difficult to find a pet easier than the Guinea pig. Guinea pigs (also...
Guinea pig in the grass

What are the top 14 fun facts about Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pigs are fascinating little creatures, read on for some fun guinea pig trivia.
mouse in bowl

Mouse Care Guide

Mice are inquisitive and friendly pocket sized pets. With proper care, they will keep your family entertained for hours on end.
ferret face

Should I Get A Male Or Female Ferret?

Deciding between a male or female ferret can seem like a hard decision, however, there are some slight difference that may make your choice easier.
Electus Parrot Playing

Essential Bird Equipment

Choosing the right bird equipment will help ensure you have a happy and healthy pet. Start by getting the right advice from the team at VetBabble.
iguana pet care

How do I Care for an Iguana?

Friendly iguanas don’t happen by chance and the need a lot of care. Here are some tips to make sure your Iguana is the friendliest and happiest it can be.
Pet Snake

How do I Care for a Snake?

Are you considering adopting a snake? Our Snake Care Guide will help you make the right choices with tips and advice on how to care for your pet snake.
Bearded Dragon

How do I Care for a Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons make great exotic pets that are relatively easy to care for once you know the basics.  They can be affectionate, adventurous reptile friends for many years to come if treated and cared for properly.
freshwater turtle

How do I care for a freshwater turtle?

Of all the reptiles, turtles are the most beloved. And what’s not to love? These animals have adorable facial expressions, attractive patterns on their shells, and gentle habits.
pet frog

How do I Care for a Frog?

Are you considering adopting a frog? Our Frog Care Guide will help you make the right choices with tips and advice on how to care for your pet frog.
Electus Parrot Playing

Essential Bird Equipment

Choosing the right bird equipment will help ensure you have a happy and healthy pet. Start by getting the right advice from the team at VetBabble.

How Should I Pick the Right Pet Bird for Me?

When it comes to birds as pets, you need to carefully consider your choices. Start by getting the right advice from the team at VetBabble.
macaw portrait

Bird Grooming and Cleaning

There's no getting around it, birds are messy. However, keeping the bird's home clean is your responsibility. But it doesn't need to be difficult.
budgie with toys

Exercise & Toys for Birds

Toys and puzzles stave off boredom by encouraging your bird to stretch their wings and take in some much needed mental exercise.

Are You Ready for a Pet Bird?

Are you ready for a pet bird? It's an important question and one you need to know the answer to before you bring a new feathered friend into your family.

Get Vet Advice

VetBabble is here to the rescue! We have a team of licensed veterinarians on staff 24/7 who are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about your pet. Whether it's something small like whether or not you should give your dog Benadryl for allergies, or something bigger like how to deal with a sick cat, our vets are always here to help.

Ask a Vet

VetBabble gives you access to veterinarians 24/7. You can ask questions about your pet's health, behavior, or anything else related to veterinary care. Alternatively, try the VetBabble App talk with the AI virtual veterinarian and get advice using the latest technologies.

VetBabble App

The VetBabble App is packed with features that will make life easier for both you and your furry friend. With this app, you can talk with our AI virtual vet, get advice from vets and pet experts, plan your day around your pet's needs, find nearby vets, and more!