Home Dear VetBabble What Could Be Causing My Dog’s Red Rashes and Itchiness All Over?

What Could Be Causing My Dog’s Red Rashes and Itchiness All Over?

Dog scratching itself gently.

Dear VetBabble, My Dog Has Red Rashes and Is Itchy All Over. What Could Be the Cause?

It sounds like your furry friend is experiencing quite a bit of discomfort. From the symptoms you’ve described, it is possible that your dog is dealing with allergies. In order to find a solution that alleviates her itchiness and prevents further discomfort, it’s important to understand the possible causes of her allergies, treat any secondary infections, and manage her symptoms in the interim.

Types of Allergies: Flea, Food, and Environmental

Allergies in dogs can often be classified into three primary categories: flea, food, and environmental allergies. By exploring each category, you can attempt to determine the cause of your dog’s allergies and take appropriate action. Further information on dog allergies can be found in this helpful article.

Treating Flea Allergies

Usually, the first allergy type to be explored is flea allergies, as these are generally the easiest and least expensive to address. Ensuring your dog is on a flea preventative is a must. If your pet is already on one, consider switching to a different product, as there are many new options available in the market. A combination of prevention and treatment should help clear up any flea issues in 1-3 months. Check out these simple tips for itchy dogs for more ideas on addressing flea allergies.

Investigating Food Allergies

Should flea allergies not be the cause of your dog’s symptoms, the next step would be to investigate possible food allergies. This may require implementing a novel diet that includes a new protein and carbohydrate source. For more information on pet food allergies, symptoms, and treatments, we recommend reading this comprehensive pet food allergies article.

Pinpointing Environmental Allergies

If flea and food allergies have been ruled out, environmental allergies may be to blame. Identifying these allergens can be trickier, requiring blood or skin tests to narrow down the specific culprits. Don’t forget that cats can also suffer from allergies; learn more about cat allergies in this helpful guide.

Managing Symptoms and Preventing Infections

While you work on figuring out the root cause of your dog’s allergies, it’s important to manage her symptoms and address any secondary infections. Your veterinarian may recommend medications like Apoquel or steroids to help with your dog’s itchiness. Additionally, continue using the medicated shampoo provided by your vet and consider asking about other anti-itch solutions.

Treating your dog’s allergies can be challenging, but with perseverance and a tailored treatment plan, you should be able to effectively reduce her discomfort and improve her overall quality of life. Remember to always consult with your veterinarian when diagnosing and treating your pet’s allergies.