Home Dear VetBabble Is my cat’s loss of balance and falling over a neurological issue?

Is my cat’s loss of balance and falling over a neurological issue?

cat sitting and looking confused

Dear VetBabble,

I have noticed that my cat Suki has been losing balance and falling over. She eats and drinks normally and doesn’t seem to be in pain. I’m concerned that there might be something neurological going on. Should I take her to the vet?

Why Cats Lose Balance and Potential Causes

It’s great that you’re aware of your cat’s behavior and are taking her health seriously! A loss of balance in cats can be caused by various underlying factors, and it is indeed essential to have Suki checked by a veterinarian. Here are a few possible causes:

  • Ear infections which can lead to balance issues due their effect on the inner ear, which is responsible for maintaining balance.
  • Nutrient deficiencies or dehydration, which may be caused by an underlying health issue.
  • Neurological conditions that affect the cat’s sense of balance, such as cerebellar hypoplasia, vestibular syndrome, or a brain tumor.
  • Trauma to the head or neck, which might have caused nerve damage or injury to the inner ear.

Every cat is unique, and proper diagnosis of Suki’s issue is crucial to find the best possible treatment. If your cat is losing weight in addition to their other symptoms, investigate the causes in this article: Why is my Cat Losing Weight?

Observing Your Cat’s Hydration and the Importance of Regular Vet Checks

One factor that contributes to balance issues can be dehydration. This makes it important to monitor your cat’s water intake. If you notice any changes in her drinking habits, understand more about the underlying causes, and explore ways to encourage hydration with this article: Why Does My Cat Drink More Water?

Another critical aspect of your cat’s health is to stay up-to-date with regular vet checks. A veterinarian should evaluate your cat’s overall well-being, conduct standard tests, and address any concerns you may have. Regular vet checkups can help in early detection and prevention of potential health issues. To learn more about the importance of routine vet visits and what to expect, read this article: Regular Vet Checks for Your Cat

Dealing with Other Symptoms and Seeking Veterinary Advice

If your cat is exhibiting other symptoms, make sure to monitor those as well. Vomiting, for example, can indicate a wide range of issues, from a simple hairball to severe kidney or liver disease. To better understand what might be causing these symptoms, read this article: Why is My Cat Vomiting?

In conclusion, while there are various possibilities for why Suki is losing balance and falling over, it is crucial for her to be checked and evaluated by a veterinarian. They can perform necessary tests and examinations, which will allow them to provide the most accurate diagnosis and treatment for her specific case. Always remember that early intervention is key in addressing any potential health issues in your cat.