Home Dear VetBabble What Can I Give My 3-Year-Old American Bulldog for Upset Stomach &...

What Can I Give My 3-Year-Old American Bulldog for Upset Stomach & Loose Bowels?

American Bulldog looking concerned.

Dear VetBabble,

I have a 3-year-old American Bulldog with an upset stomach and loose bowels. What can I give him to help him feel better?


Dealing with a pet’s upset stomach and loose bowels can feel overwhelming for pet owners, especially when you see your furry friend uncomfortable. To help you address this issue, we’ve broken the answer into three sections:

1. Possible Causes of Upset Stomach and Loose Bowels

An upset stomach and loose bowel movements could be due to a variety of causes, such as dietary indiscretion, food sensitivities, or even gastrointestinal parasites. To begin with, it is essential to understand Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea?

Some common reasons include ingesting something they shouldn’t have (like garbage, for example), a sudden change in diet, or eating food that doesn’t agree with their stomach. In some cases, it could also be an indication of a more serious issue that may need veterinary attention. Our article on Diarrhea in Dogs: When to Worry can help you determine if it’s time to consult your vet.

2. Home Remedies for Upset Stomach and Loose Bowels

If your vet has ruled out any underlying health issues, and it is simply a case of an upset stomach, you can try a bland diet to help soothe their intestinal tract. A bland diet typically includes boiled, skinless, and boneless chicken with no seasonings, white rice, and a small amount of pumpkin. This meal is both gentle on their stomach and can help firm up stools, improving digestion and reducing discomfort.

Moreover, veterinarians often recommend probiotics to help replenish the good bacteria in your dog’s digestive system and aid in the recovery process. Your vet may prescribe a specific product or recommend an over-the-counter option.

3. Preventing Future Gastrointestinal Issues

It is essential to put measures in place to prevent future gastrointestinal issues. This may involve being vigilant about your dog’s diet and monitoring what they eat, including keeping them away from garbage and dangerous foods. Also, make sure to provide essential, Basic First Aid for Dogs in case of any accidents.

Furthermore, if your dog has a history of gastrointestinal problems, consider discussing it with your vet to manage potential food sensitivities or allergies. They may recommend a specific diet or some adjustments to your dog’s feeding that can keep their gut happy and healthy.

Lastly, if you notice persistent vomiting along with an upset stomach, check our article on Vomiting in Dogs: Causes, Treatment & When to Worry to learn more about the potential risks and what steps to take.

In conclusion, it is crucial to be attentive to your dog’s needs and always consult with a veterinarian if their symptoms persist or worsen. With the right care and prevention measures, you can ensure your American Bulldog stays healthy and happy!