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Is My 12-Year-Old Dog’s Bloody Urine and Frequent Urination a Sign of Cystitis?

elderly dog resting on a comfortable surface

Dear VetBabble,

I recently noticed that my 12-year-old dog has blood in her urine and seems to be attempting to urinate more frequently when outside. She shows no signs of pain or fever and continues to eat like normal. Could it be cystitis or some other issue? What should I do to help her and ensure her health?

Why Blood in Your Dog’s Urine Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Thank you for your question! Discovering blood in your dog’s urine can definitely be alarming, but it’s essential to pay attention to this symptom as it could be a sign of an underlying issue. Given that your dog is also trying to urinate excessively, there’s a good chance that she might be suffering from cystitis, which is an inflammation of the bladder often caused by an infection. However, other possibilities could be a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or bladder stones. It’s crucial to have your dog checked by the vet to determine the exact cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Cystitis can be quite uncomfortable and painful for your dog, as inflammation can irritate the urinary tract, causing frequent and sometimes unsuccessful attempts to urinate. Although your dog may not show any obvious signs of pain, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian to ensure her well-being and relieve any discomfort she might be experiencing.

Potential Causes of Blood in Dog’s Urine

As mentioned, several potential causes could be behind your dog’s symptoms, with cystitis being just one possibility. Here are some other conditions that may lead to blood in the urine and frequent urination:

  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract, causing infection and inflammation. Dogs with UTIs may exhibit symptoms similar to those with cystitis, including frequent urination, straining to urinate, and blood in the urine. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat UTIs.
  • Kidney Disease: Kidney disease can cause a range of symptoms, including changes in urine output, increased thirst, and blood in the urine. If you suspect kidney disease, it’s essential to visit your vet for a thorough examination and potential treatment options.
  • Bladder Stones: Bladder stones are mineral deposits that can form in the bladder, causing irritation and sometimes blockage of the urinary tract. Signs of bladder stones include blood in the urine, frequent urination, and straining to urinate. Your vet may need to perform imaging studies to diagnose bladder stones and recommend treatment options like dietary changes, medication, or surgery.

While it’s essential to monitor your dog’s condition, remember that only a veterinarian can accurately diagnose the cause of your dog’s symptoms and provide the necessary treatment. Therefore, it’s crucial to schedule a vet visit as soon as possible to ensure your dog’s health and well-being.

Steps to Take for Your Dog’s Health

Given the potential causes of blood in your dog’s urine and her attempts to urinate more frequently, it’s crucial to act promptly to address any potential health issues. Here are some steps you can take to help your dog:

  1. Contact your veterinarian: Schedule an appointment with your vet for a complete examination of your dog. This will help to determine the cause behind her symptoms and ensure she receives the correct treatment.
  2. Monitor your dog’s behavior: Keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior, urination habits, and any accompanying symptoms, like lethargy, loss of appetite, or discomfort. Sharing this information with your vet can help them in diagnosing the issue.
  3. Follow the vet’s recommendations: Once your vet identifies the underlying cause of your dog’s symptoms, adhere to the prescribed treatment plan to ensure her recovery and well-being.

In conclusion, it’s essential to address the symptoms your dog is experiencing and consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Keep monitoring your dog’s health and don’t hesitate to provide her with the necessary care to ensure a happy and healthy life for your furry friend.